The day before yesterday, I wanted to deploy a Python project on the server, and then I saw that Baota Panel had a Python project manager.
So I installed the plugin, but the built-in Python environment of Baota couldn't be displayed, so I wanted to reinstall another version.
I tried to install it using this plugin, but it couldn't be installed and kept giving errors. Then I searched for some tutorials online to fix it, but it still didn't work.
Today, I still wanted to continue working on it, so I decided to restart the server first. However, after the restart, Baota Panel couldn't be opened.
But I found that the website's Nginx and Baota Panel were running normally, while MySQL and PHP couldn't be started.
I searched for some posts on the Baota forum and tried to fix it myself.
But none of them worked, so I posted a request for official help, but unfortunately, the response was too slow.
So I decided to take matters into my own hands and first run /etc/init.d/mysqld start to start the database.
The error message is as follows:
/www/server/mysql/bin/my_print_defaults: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Starting MySQL./www/server/mysql/bin/my_print_defaults: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/www/server/mysql/bin/my_print_defaults: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Logging to '/www/server/mysql/data/V20220927264084.err'.
ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/www/server/mysql/data/
I searched on Google and found a solution post:
I used method 2, downloading a 32-bit runtime library for running 32-bit software on 64-bit CentOS.
The reason for the error is that installing 32-bit software on a 64-bit Linux system can cause this problem.
Solution commands:
yum list|grep ia32-libs
yum -y install
yum whatprovides
yum install libstdc++-4.4.7-18.e16.i686
After the repair, MySQL and PHP are running normally, and the website can be accessed.
However, Baota Panel still cannot be opened. I tried to repair it and restart the panel service, but it didn't work.
Suddenly, I remembered that when I was modifying the panel port to restore panel access according to the forum, there was an error message.
But when I checked the port information using the bt command, it showed that the modification was successful.
After completing the above repair commands, I re-modified the panel port.
I tried to access Baota Panel again, and this time it was successful.
But I still feel uneasy about this unexpected event, in case it happens again.
Now I need to backup the data and restart the server again to see if there are any other issues.