I wanted to use a Raspberry Pi as a bypass router for multiple VPNs to access the internet: https://k7blog.com/post/aDQ2v9Mf-/ but it ended in failure! Now I have found another method to layer VPNs for highly secretive use of my IP.
Tools used in this issue: Proxifier and two VPN software, one for international use and one for domestic use.
I will only share an idea with you and then tell you how I operated. I won't go into detail about the specific steps.
Proxifier is a software that forces certain applications to use a specified proxy.
You need two VPN proxy software, I will use VPN-1 and VPN-2 in the article to represent them!
Start VPN-1, use the international node, do not enable global proxy, only use the http or socks proxy function inside.
Then start Proxifier, and force the VPN-2 software to use the proxy of VPN-1. Please Google how to use Proxifier!
Then start VPN-2, use the domestic node, and enable global proxy mode!
This way, the network mode is: local network-VPN-1 international node-Proxifier forces VPN-2 to use VPN-1 to connect to VPN-2's domestic node-Internet.
VPN-2 is exposed on the outer layer, so you must use the domestic node, because only the domestic node can use overseas networks to connect.
Or you can use the same airport service for both VPN software, as some airports do not block their own servers, but only a few!
My Operation#
I use v2ray-u and clashx software on my Mac, also with an international node and a domestic node!
Open v2ray-u, import the domestic node, do not enable system proxy, the default proxy ports for the software are 1080 and 1087.
Start Proxifier and force clashx to use the proxy to or
Then import the domestic node in clashx, and enable system proxy!
Similarly, if you use clash on another device, enable local network connections, and find the IP of that device.
You can use the local network IP+7890 port for clashx, I also tested using port 1082 for iOS's Shadowrocket.
This way, you don't need to use two proxy software.