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Building two WEB proxies using Workers to anonymously access the Internet

Using online web proxies not only allows for anonymous internet access but also enables us to accelerate access to foreign servers from within the firewall!
Built for free using Cloudflare's Workers, it is very simple and practical!

1. siteproxy#

Access GitHub to download the js file: https://github.com/netptop/siteproxy/tree/master/build

Open the Cloudflare official website, log in to your account, find Worker, and add a service, then click on quick edit.
Paste the js file, search for siteproxy.netptop.workers.dev, and replace it with your domain.

Workers - Triggers - Custom Domain (you can add a custom domain for your service so you don't have to use the default cf domain. ps. assuming your domain is already hosted on cf.)
Then search for www.netptop.com and replace it with the homepage domain you want to display. If you replace it with www.baidu.com, then opening this proxy service will show Baidu's page.

This way, we can create our own homepage and achieve a custom homepage effect by replacing it.

2. Hideipnetwork#

This was introduced in a previous article, Hideipnetwork based on Node.js + services workers online WEB proxy.

Setting it up requires the use of Pages+Workers, but we can also use Workers alone!

Open workers-bare.js, and replace the code on line 5 with the domain you want to proxy.

const MIRROR_URL = 'github.com';

If you are proxying some small web pages without complex anti-proxy and anti-theft link logic, both of the above can be used.
If you want to watch YouTube, it is recommended to use the second one, which proxies more perfectly.

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